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General Info

Past Winners
USD 232 has had 21 Horizon Award winners since 2003.

General guidelines: Based on the criteria used in the selection of the Horizon Teacher of the Year, the following guidelines need to be considered in nominating candidates for our school district:

  • A teacher who will have successfully completed his/her first year of teaching in USD 232 by May 22. (Pre-Kindergarten - 12thgrade)
  • Serves as a full-time classroom teacher, responsible for assignment of grades, preparation of lessons, discipline, all basic classroom duties (specials are certainly eligible)
  • Is considered to be exceptionally skilled, dedicated, and able to inspire students of all backgrounds and abilities
  • Has the respect of students, parents, colleagues, and administrative leaders
  • A teacher who has performed in a way that distinguishes him/her from other novice teachers.

 What are the steps in this program?

  • First Year teachers are nominated at the building level by their colleagues, students, and/or parents.
  • All nominees will fill out a simplified form---a short resume---to be evaluated by the district committee.
  • The district evaluation team, made up of building representatives, will select one nominee from each building.  The administration will select one elementary nominee and one secondary nominee for the district. There will be an announcement before school ends in May on who will represent our district in the program.
  • In August, the two district nominees will be given the state application to complete. The form will be mailed to the state before October 10th. This will occur during his/her second year of teaching.
  • The state will select four elementary and four secondary teachers per region to serve on the Horizon Award team. The state will notify the nominees in late December or January. This announcement will occur during the teacher's second year of teaching.
  • Selected teachers will be recognized at a Kansas Exemplary Educators conference in February during their second year of teaching.
  • The selected teachers will participate in the Kansas Exemplary Educators Network and will have many opportunities to participate in professional development.