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USD 232 Assessment Alignment

Fastbridge logo

FastBridge (Formative Assessment System for Teachers) is a suite of assessment progress monitoring tools in reading, math, and behavior in Grades K-9.

Dynamic Learning Maps logo

The DLM Alternate Assessment System (DLM) assess students with significant cognitive disabilities in Grades 3-8 and 10-11.

Pre ACT logo

PreACT simulates the ACT testing experience for Grades 9-10.

ACT logo

ACT is a standardized test used in the college admissions process and is available for students starting in Grade 11.

ACT WorkKeys logo horz.

ACT WorkKeys helps determine workplace skill assessments for Grade 11.

AP logo

Advanced Placement (AP) Assessments are standardized exams designed to measure how well students have mastered the content  of a specific AP course.