Continuum of Services
The school district provides special education services in the least restrictive environment. The majority of our students are served in their neighborhood school. Students participate in the general education environment to the maximum extent appropriate, based on their individual needs. The IEP team, including staff and parents, determine the most effective service or combination of services, including:
- Consultation services: Students with mild needs may be served through regularly scheduled collaborative planning and problem-solving between general and special educators. Consultative services are provided to staff rather than directly to students.
- General Education: (in-class) Support: Students receive their special education services in the general education setting. Collaboration occurs between the general and special educators to design accommodations and/or modifications needed.
- Discovery Rooms (elementary) or Resource Rooms (secondary): Students with special needs receive specially designed instruction in a separate setting within the regular school. Most students spend the majority of their day in the general education setting.
- Center-Based programs: Center-based programs provide highly-structured and highly-individualized programs for students with moderate to significant disabilities. The programs are located in certain locations within the district. If the IEP team decides that a student will best be served in a center-based program located in a building that is not the student's neighborhood school, transportation will be provided at no cost.
- What is different about a Center-Based Program?
- When do we consider Center-Based Programs?
- When more than one center-based program may be appropriate, how are decisions made?