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Special Services Advisory Committee


It is the mission of this committee to dynamically represent students with the exceptionalities for the purpose of continually seeking to enhance the quality of their educational services. 


Our vision is to support students and families in fulfilling students’ individual aspirations and potential through the support and understanding of their unique learning needs.


  • Serve as a liaison for students receiving special education and related services and impact decisions made on their behalf. 
  • Provide a forum to collaborate and share ideas related to the provision of special education services. 
  • Empower parents of children with disabilities through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of IDEA processes and procedures while serving as a resource to others.
  • Promote joint advocacy and positive communication efforts between parents and district staff.
  • Work together on the implementation of educational programs offered throughout our Continuum of Special Education Services. 
  • Share success stories of our students while maintaining student confidentiality. 
  • Submit regular updates and recommendations to Superintendent for submission to USD 232 Board of Education. 
  • Provide a yearly reflection on accomplishments and activities within SSAC Committee.

Learn more about the Special Services Advisory Committee

Special Services Advisory Brochure

Special Events for SPED