General Information
Free transportation is currently provided to students who live 2.5 miles or more from their assigned school (based on boundaries).
Free transportation is currently provided for students who voluntarily transfer to Lexington Trails Middle School or De Soto High School from outside their normal home school boundaries (within USD 232).
Students attending an English Language Learner program (center-based program) outside their normal home school boundaries are also provided free transportation.
Bus transportation may be available on a pay basis for students who live less than 2.5 miles from school if there is an existing route in the area. Bus service is available on a first-come, first-serve, space-available basis. Students who qualify for the federal free and reduced cost lunch program may be eligible to receive transportation at no cost or a reduced cost.
All distances (in miles) are calculated by routing software which measures the shortest route from the student’s home to the school in accordance with Kansas guidelines. When intersections, roadways and school driveways are updated or road construction occurs, mileage calculations are likely to change.
Annual bus registration is required for all general education students who plan to ride the bus. This includes students who are eligible to ride the bus for free due to their participation in the federal free and reduced cost lunch program, students living over 2.5 miles from school and students who pay for transportation. Routes are developed and planned around those who have registered during the open registration period. Late registration may result in an increased walk distance to the bus stop or placement on a wait list.
Students assigned to a center-based program (special education or English Language Learners) outside their normal home school boundary do not need to complete bus registration. Transportation for these students is arranged by district staff.
Bus transportation in USD 232 is provided under contract with First Student, Inc., and its team of dedicated driving professionals. For more information on service or employment opportunities, contact First Student at 913-422-8501.
Stop on Red, Kids Ahead
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