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Returning Students

Returning Students & Incoming Kindergarten Students

Registration is required annually for students. This allows parents and/or guardians to update important student information, such as phone, address, email, emergency contacts, and health data. You also have the option to pay fees online. Please know that class/course selections are not the same as registration.

The school staff will guide parents and students through the process, providing information on health and immunization requirements, transportation options and placement for special needs students. You may contact your child's school at the beginning of the process, as our staff members are happy to answer your questions and provide guidance along the way.
UPDATE: Online Registration for the 2024-25 school year opens Monday, May 1. 

The registration and enrollment process will utilize Skyward Family Access. We have created step-by-step directions for parents on how to complete the process. If you have questions, please contact your school for assistance. We look forward to working with you.  It is our effort to simplify the enrollment experience and reduce the amount of paper used each year.

New! Registration for bus transportation will be part of Online Registration! 

Go to online registration

If you don't know the login information for your Skyward Family Access account, click the 'Forgot your login or password?' link on the Family Access login page. Enter your email address and click Submit. If the school has a matching email address on file, the username and password will be emailed to you. If the school does not have a matching email address for the primary guardian, please call the school office for assistance.

Graphic for Online Registration

Intra-District Transfer Requests
Learn more about the policies and procedures for intra-district transfer requests for students to attend schools outside their assigned school attendance area. Intra-district transfer requests


Skyward Resources