Skyward Family Access
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Family Access is a web-based service that empowers parents/guardians and students to view school-related information anywhere they have access to the Internet. Information available online includes:
- Calendar information with assignment, attendance and message information
- Detailed gradebook information
- Messages posted by the principal and teachers
- Attendance records by date and types of attendance
- Student schedule
- Food Service balance, payments and purchase history
- Fee management
- E-mail notification preferences
- Login history
In addition, parents can send and receive emails, update their email address, and subscribe to automatic notifications. *Note: Elementary schools have different procedures for grade book and report cards. Some information may not be available.
Using Skyward Family Access
In order to begin using Family Access, parents will need a login and password. The information is generated through the email address on file with the school. User login credentials will never be provided by phone. Please contact your child's school if you need further assistance.
The information in Family Access is “real time” based on the data in the district’s Skyward Student Information System. Please keep in mind that grades are fluid and can change daily/weekly as the teachers add assignments and grades to the system. Please allow up to 5 days after the due date for most assignments to be posted in the gradebook (larger assignments and projects may take longer).
Family Access is a password protected site intended for use by the specific user to whom the account was issued. PLEASE KEEP YOUR USER NAME AND PASSWORD CONFIDENTIAL to avoid unauthorized use of your account. Each parent and student will be issued a unique user name and password. Parents have different levels of access and different types of information than what the student will have. It is important that you use the account that was created for you. Other industry standard security measures are in place to ensure that information is secure and safe.