Skyward Mobile App
Get your Skyward Mobile App for smart phones. The App is available for Android smart phones, iPhone, Windows mobile and tablets, iPad and iPod Touch. Parents can now view Family Access on the go.
You can find the Skyward Mobile App in your phone's App Store. Skyward recommends using "Find By Current Location/GPS" or by zip code. You will then select your school district (DeSoto Unified School District 232, De Soto, KS) and log in with your established user name and password. Your selection will be retained for the next session. You will be required to create a security PIN.
Other Considerations
- The confidentiality of the login and password is crucial – keep it private.
- Please allow teachers at least five days to post a grade. (Projects or essays may require more time.)
- If you change your email address, please inform the school.