Inspired by President George W. Bush’s Book, Portraits of Courage, Mize Elementary invited local veterans to the art class of each grade level for students to interview and draw their portraits.
This effort was organized by Mize art teacher, Shelly Souders, and included 23 veterans within the USD 232 community. Leading up this week-long event, scheduled for October 22 through 28, students carefully crafted questions to ask each visiting veteran during their allotted time with them. In addition to every Mize student being allowed this opportunity, Mrs. Souders also invited high school students currently enrolled in art classes from De Soto and Mill Valley High Schools, to participate.
About this experience, Mrs. Souders said, “I want our students to see the human beings behind the label of veteran. They are real people living and serving right here in our community. All veterans have a story and it’s important that their stories are shared.”
Mize Elementary’s “Portraits of Courage” will be on display at their Veterans Day Assembly on Wednesday, November 13.
Mize Kindergarten Students and De Soto High School Students draw Mike Angell, Marine Veteran.
Mize fourth grade Students and Mill Valley High School Students draw Erin Bultje, Army Veteran.