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USD 232 TORCH Award Recipients for September 2024

At the Board of Education Meeting on Monday, October 7, our district recognized four individuals who were presented with the 232 TORCH award. This newly branded award recognizes district staff for their exceptional commitment to students and our district. 

Our first stop in September was Belmont Elementary where Superintendent Cory Gibson and Principal Pam Hargrove recognized fourth grade teacher Darcie Sheppard with the 232 TORCH Award. Darcie was selected to receive this award because she is one of the most flexible, creative, caring and willing leaders on the Belmont fourth grade team. As Pam Hargrove shared, one of Darcie’s biggest gifts is seeing a need and filling it! She continually steps up to meet challenges, such as changing teaching grades, where she brings her energy and leadership to a new group of people to make everyone better, every day.

The next person recognized at Monday night’s meeting with the 232 Torch Award was Tiffany Meyer, a dedicated paraprofessional in the Connections C Program at Belmont. Pam Hargrove revealed that Tiffany has very quickly become the “glue” for her special education team where is not satisfied with simply being a part of the Connections C program. She insists on bringing every ounce of her body and soul into the program with ideas, leadership and support. Tiffany is also working on her teaching degree so she can become a special education teacher in the near future.

The second building with staff members recognized at Monday’s Board of Education meeting with the 232 TORCH award for September was Cedar Trails Exploration Center. Here we were able to recognize Sam McLeod, Manufacturing Instructor.

CTEC CAPS Administrator, Tim Mispagel selected Sam to receive the TORCH award because he is living the mission of our district. Sam displays a mastery in what he teaches which helps get his students excited about the projects they are working on and exploring the learning possible within his classroom. He excels in building relationships with his students to understand their goals and help them learn the manufacturing craft. 

When new principal, Deb Ricker, was asked who was worthy of this year’s 232 TORCH award at Cedar Trails Exploration Center, the choice was obvious to her. In addition to all of her day-to-day responsibilities as the building secretary, Tricia Wilson went above and beyond to get the new principal up to speed with her new role. While also supporting the new building administrator, Trish also trained the new lead secretary for CTEC. She was able to tackle all of this and more with her calming grace and welcoming smile.

Congratulations to  all our staff recognized for the month of September with the 232 TORCH Award. We are so lucky to have you as a part of our district.Check out the full video presentation of the 232 TORCH Award for September